Our Resources

Professional Team

Ecolink Projects work with a team professionals that comprise:

  1. Resource Management Consultant.
  2. Surveyors (in the case of subdivision applications).
  3. Consulting Engineers.
  4. Architectdraughtsperson or landscape architect.
  5. Licensed building practitioner for Restricted Building Work (RBW).
  6. Building companies or group home builders.
  7. Arborist.
  8. Archaeologist, heritage specialist, or other specialist advisor.
  9. Lawyer.

What Restriced Building Work (RBW)

If your building work is critical to the integrity of your home, it may be RBW. This type of work ensures a property is structurally sound and weathertight.

Who Can Do RBW

You need to use a Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP) to carry out or supervise RBW.

A Certificate of Design Work (CoW), completed in full, must be included in your building consent application. The CoW must be supplied by an LBP who has designed, or supervised the design of, the RBW.

Licensed Building Practioners (LBPs)

LBPs are people who have shown through assessment that they meet the standard of skill and competence required in particular areas of building practice. They are assessed before getting a licence and need to keep their knowledge up to date to be re-licensed.

Examples include:

  • Civil and earthwork contractors
  • Drain layers
  • Designers
  • Architects, Surveyors and Town Planners
  • Chartered Engineers
  • Foundation layers
  • Carpenters
  • Roofers
  • Bricklayers and blocklayers
  • External plasterers

There are separate licences for each of these building practitioners which recognise that they are competent in their specialist areas. Some tradespeople may have more than one licence.

Planning To Build?

Following is a ‘check-list’ guide courtesy of the Auckland Council that we find helpful.

  1. Feasibility.
  2. Project outline brief.
  3. Design brief.
  4. Designer assessment.
  5. Land purchase.
  6. Build process.
  7. Handover evaluation.
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